From: Philippa Ryan <>
To: Gerard Sadlier <>
Date: 28/07/2015 12:41:59 UTC
Subject: RE: A Novel Recusal

Thank you, Gerard. Even though I knew where this was headed, it was still a page-turner. I look forward to sharing this little gem with my Civil Practice students.

The bigger question, moving forward, is the vexed question of finding a judicial member who does not have an existing claim against BA in relation to lost luggage. Or who will not make such a claim at some point between now and 2020.

Best regards.

Dr Philippa Ryan | Lecturer & Barrister | University of Technology, Sydney | Faculty of Law|
tel +612 9514 3694 |fax +612 9514 3400 | Room 5B.413A |

+ PO Box 123 | Broadway NSW 2007 | Australia | Quay Street | Ultimo NSW 2007 | Australia |
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From: Gerard Sadlier <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 9:37:10 PM
Subject: A Novel Recusal

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